Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer 2010 garden pics

These are our tall Sunflowers. I can not believe how big they are. The flowers are just starting!
the whole garden
This is how big the Zucchini and squash leaves are!!
another cantalope!
little pumpkin!
Big pumpkin!
This is how tall the sunflowers are. I am standing about 16" below where they start!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Harvest

This is one of our little cabbage. We decided to harvest them early as we had cabbage worms. We got 11 out of 12. the last one had too many worm holes in the actual cabbage. This is one of the larger ones. I made corned beef and cabbage last week and it took 6 for a meal for 5 people.
This is the only cauliflower we got. The plants were not doing well so we decided it was time to pull them. We looked in a few of them and decided that they were not going to get the cauliflower in it. I guess we learned our lesson, next time check them all!! We found this one and a smaller one on 2 of the plants while we were pulling the leaves for the compost bin.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Some more of our harvest!!

These are peas from 2 plants. This is all we got. The girls helped me get the peas out of the pod, but neither ate them! I am really hoping more will come. There are also 2 other plants of a different variety that are started to get pea pods on them. I can not wai to see what we get because those plants are so small!!
We also harvested Cabbage and Onions...will post picture when i get some.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rain Barrels and update garden pics

This is our new Rain barrels. We will be able to use this to water our garden. These are solar powered.
This is the 2nd growth of broccoli on this plant. The other plants had it too. It was enough for 2 of us to have for dinner last night between all the plants.
This is 1 of our 12 cabbage plants. I had NO idea how big the plants got! They are HUGE! You can see the head of this one forming!!

These are my cucumber plants getting bigger. We will be building a trellis/mesh for it to climb up. I can not wait for cucumbers to be there!! There are 2 kinds of cucumbers here. Regular ones and smaller pickling ones.

This is the second set of bean plants to start. The 1st set is to the left in the picture.

Peas!! They are getting bigger in the pods!!

We have WAY TOO MUCH lettuce to eat!! I think we need to be giving some away!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is the carrots, the tops are getting so big. Wonder when they will finally be ready!!
This is the onion that Micah is standing near. This gives you an idea how tall they are getting.

This is some of the squash growing. They are even bigger today.

These are the beginning of the peas! They are so cute! You can also see the flowers on the plant too.

My cucumbers have started to grow. I can not wait. I love cucumbers and Alivia loves pickles that we will make with them!!

These are the beans. They are starting so well. Now if only i could keep the animals from eating them!!

This is how big the broccoli got! This was the 1st and largest one that we cut and ate. It was just enough for 4 of us. The other plants did not do as well as this one.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


4'x4' raised bed of Strawberries! 50 plants in here!! Can not wait for them!
4' x8' raised bed, broccoli, cabbage, onions and lettuce. Will eventually have squash and zucchini

Onions are growing great!

Lettuce is about ready to harvest!!

4'x 8' raised bed, lettuce, radish, carrots, 1 cabbage, onion and peas

4' x 8' raised bed, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplant

4' x 8' raised bed, cucumber, beans, cauliflower

These are the beans, the other 4 sections did not come up at all! gotta plant some more!!

Close up of the onions

These are the best looking pea plants in the garden

New tomato plants that were just planted yesterday!

These are the broccoli. It is really neat to see them growing like this!

These are the Radishes i picked today. They are the same in both pictures. I just took 1 outside and 1 inside of them. They are so tasty. They have such flavor to them. This was almost 1 whole 1'x1' square of them. I had picked about 6 others a few days ago. I will replant this bed again with more!